Interface HMSPollQuestion

Represents a question in a poll.


  • HMSPollQuestion


The answer for the question (if it is a quiz).

answerMaxLen?: number

The maximum length of the answer (if applicable).

answerMinLen?: number

The minimum length of the answer (if applicable).

duration: number

The duration hint of the question in seconds. Can be used for setting a timeframe withing which a question can be responded to. Not enforced by the server.

index: number

The index of the question within the poll.

The responses provided by the current user for the question.

once: boolean

A flag indicating whether the question can be answered only once.

The list of options for the question (if applicable).

The list of responses for the question.

skippable: boolean

A flag indicating whether the question is skippable or not.

text: string

The text of the question.

The type of the question.

weight: number

The weight of the question in scoring.

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