
This is the main listener that the calling application should implement. HMS SDK will send all upates through the callbacks in this interface. Pass the app's implementation while calling HMSSDK.join method


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Called when a peer remotely changes a track property. For example, forcing the receivers mic to mute.

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abstract fun onError(error: HMSException)

Called when the SDK has encountered an error

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abstract fun onJoin(room: HMSRoom)

Called when joining of HMSRoom is successful

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abstract fun onMessageReceived(message: HMSMessage)

Called when there is a HMSMessage send by another HMSPeer

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abstract fun onPeerUpdate(type: HMSPeerUpdate, peer: HMSPeer)

Called if there is any update related to the HMSPeer

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open fun onPermissionsRequested(permissions: List<String>)
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open fun onReconnected()

Called when the SDK has successfully recovered from a network glitch

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open fun onReconnecting(error: HMSException)

Called when the SDK is trying to reconnect automatically on a network drop/switch etc

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open fun onRemovedFromRoom(notification: HMSRemovedFromRoom)

Called when you have been removed from a room. Causes are:

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Called when there is a non forced role change request from another HMSPeer

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abstract fun onRoomUpdate(type: HMSRoomUpdate, hmsRoom: HMSRoom)

Called if there is any update related to the HMSRoom

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Called when the session store is available.

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abstract fun onTrackUpdate(type: HMSTrackUpdate, track: HMSTrack, peer: HMSPeer)

Called if there is any update related to HMSTrack

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open fun onTranscripts(transcripts: HmsTranscripts)

Called when the webrtc session has transcription of the audio. Not to be confused with transcripts during HLS streams.

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open fun peerListUpdated(addedPeers: ArrayList<HMSPeer>?, removedPeers: ArrayList<HMSPeer>?)

Called when new peers are added to peerlist. Use this to show the list of peers on UI This is called with the intial set of peer on joining a room as well as with update list of peers if some peer joins or leaves the room